
Mays Greenhouse ©2010   

©Mays Greenhouse

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Discount Policy

Retail Customers-Plants purchased in full flats of one kind and size, if paid for when purchased and taken, shall receive a 10% discount.

Plants held by us for later pickup will receive the same discount IF we hold them for 24 hours or less.  If we hold them for more than 24 hours a 10% service charge will be added and no full flat discounts will be given.


Customers In The Trade-Will be given a 10% discount on all items purchased if selected and taken, even when charged to be paid for later.

If we hold plants for such customers for longer than 24 hours a 10% service charge will be added to the total order.  Churches, county government, city government, and elementary, middle and high school corporations shall be considered to be in this group.

Mays Guarantee
Discount Policy
Special Orders