6280 Old State Road 37 South
For best results, plant as early in spring as is possible. Land should be well cultivated and free of perennial weeds. Strawberries do best on well-drained sandy loam or loam.
They can be grown on heavier soils that have been amended with generous amounts of organic material. They do very well in raised beds, especially if drainage is questionable.
Avoid planting in soils that have recently grown tomatoes, peppers, potatoes or strawberries to avoid disease problems. High levels of phosphates and potassium are desirable for best fruit production. If possible work about two pounds of a fertilizer low in nitrogen and high in the other two elements into each 100 sq. ft. Well ahead of planting. Work it into the top 6” of soil. Do not use any fertilizer in holes at planting time. If growth is slow, in mid-June apply 1 lb. per 100 sq. ft. of 12-12-12.
The first round of bloom should be pinched off to aid early runner formation. Runners should not be allowed to set on later than August 1st. Allow the row to grow as wide as you can conveniently reach to pick and as your space and tilling methods will allow.
Berries benefit from irrigation. During dry periods they should receive a minimum of 1 in. per week.
Mays Greenhouse ©2010