The Butterworts (Pinguicula): Butterworts can be grown alongside venus fly traps with virtually the same care. They grow best
in bright light to part sun with ample moisture and humidity. They tend to be one of the easiest carnivorous plants for many
to grow. Their one difficulty is that they have very shallow roots, barely half inch long, and therefore the top inch of soil
must be kept continually moist year round. They are not as demanding about a cold winter dormancy like the venus fly traps are
but slightly cooler conditions are preferred during the winter. Mature specimens reliably produce delightful flowers in the
spring. Butterworts normally catch enough gnats and other insects on their own with their sticky leaves so no feeding is necessary.
Do NOT fertilize.
Pitcher Plants (Purple Pitcher Plant - Sarracenia purpurea, Trumpet Pitcher Plant — Sarracenia rubra, Cobra Lily
- Darlingtonia californica): The pitcher plants, with the exception of the tropical pitcher plant, grow very well with the same
care given to venus fly traps. They all like bright light to full sun and ample moisture. Keep them sitting in water during
the spring, summer, and fall and grow them somewhat drier and cooler during the winter. Their pitchers need to be kept about
a third filled with water at all times. Normally, mature plants bloom during the spring and summer with quite unusual and odd looking
flowers. They can occasionally be fed a wounded housefly by dropping one down into their pitchers. Do NOT fertilize.
The Tropical
Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes): Nepenthes are grown quite differently than the other carnivorous plants Mays offers. They need
year-round warm temperatures and even moisture. They grow naturally as climbing plants in warm, damp, humid jungles and therefore
are moisture-loving plants. Unlike other carnivorous plants which grow in bog like conditions, Nepenthes need quick, swift drainage. Do not grow them sitting in saucers of water but rather allow excess water to drain away. They need bright light to part sun
and a very high degree of humidity. Keeping them away from heater/ac vents, misting them regularly, and summering them outdoors
is the best way to provide them with the humidity they require. Lack of pitchers is normally the result of too little light
or not enough humidity. During the summer months, tropical pitcher plants benefit from monthly feedings with any all-purpose
fertilizer. Just make sure the soil is moist before fertilizing. Then-pitchers should always be filled about a third full with
water and use peat to repot your plant.
The Sundews (Drosera): Sundews are grown basically with the same care as venus fly traps. They need bright light to part sun, abundant moisture, and a high degree of humidity. They do not need as deep of a winter dormancy
as fly traps but slightly cooler conditions are preferred in the winter. They bloom regularly throughout the year once plants
are mature. Sundews normally catch enough gnats and other insects on their own with their sticky leaves so feeding is not necessary.
Do NOT fertilize.