Fall Blooming Hydrangea – Hydrangea paniculata. This type of hydrangea tolerates sun very well, and will actually be more vigorous, as well as having more and larger blooms. If left un-pruned, it will form a small multi-stemed tree to 25’ tall. It blooms on new growth so it may be cut close to the ground each fall where it will regrow 4-6’ tall before blooming, producing fewer but larger blooms. This is the species that are sometimes available as a small, single-trunked tree. These are best pruned back to about 6 inches from the trunk (never the trunk itself) before re-growth in spring to maintain a smaller stature and better form.
Oakleaf Hydrangea – Hydrangea quercifolia. A course native shrub maturing to 6’ x 8’(Alice), or as little as 3-4’(Sikes Dwarf,
Pee Wee) Large white pyramidal shaped flowers changing to pink are formed in late spring/early summer. This species blooms
from just the tips of previous seasons growth so any pruning is best done immediately after flowering.