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Fruit trees in general need a good well drained loamy soil located in a site where they will get the most sun as possible, to ensure the most productivity. Fruit trees are intolerant of being either too wet or too dry. Cherry trees are especially intolerant of poorly drained soils. A pH of 6-7 is preferred for the best uptake of nutrients. Fruit trees are very heavy feeders, and appreciate a well balanced fertilizer, complete with micronutrients. When dwarf trees reach bearing age (3-6 years, variety depending), they will appreciate some extra potassium (Potash). Dwarf trees usually mature to around 10 feet tall and wide, so allow ample spacing for spreading branches. Fruit trees can grow very fast at a young age if they are happy. Avoid placing fruit trees close to a southern wall, as the reflected heat may cause early flowering which would be subject to late freezes, ruining the crop. All fruit trees are prone to numerous pests and diseases in our area, therefore regular spraying is recommended. Fruit tree sprays are available that control pests and diseases, giving reasonable control. Concerning pear trees, fire blight is fairly common and is only controlled by culture and bactericides. Some fruit tree varieties are more resistant to diseases, yet they still need preventative measures against insects.
Mays Greenhouse ©2010