6280 Old State Road 37 South
Cats and House plants
Tooth-picks driven firmly into the soil and spaced close together (1/2 to 3/4 inches apart) will work in many cases.
Often cats can be discouraged from digging or sleeping in flowerpots by scattering orange peels over the soil surface.
Covering the soil surface with hardware cloth or chicken wire should also discourage such use.
Above all, keep the litter box clean. If it isn't, your pet will look for somewhere else to "Go". A plant whose soil has been "soiled" will be attractive for re-use. Replace at least the surface soil before trying any of these remedies.
Cats that are confined to the house often chew the foliage of houseplants, this ruins the appearance of the plant, but more importantly, many plants contain toxins that can harm a cat if eaten. Philodendrons, Dieffenbachia, and Ivy are all harmful if eaten.
Give your cat a substitute plant to provide the greenery it craves. You can plant catnip, cat grass, oats or wheat in a flowerpot or flat. They will love it. You can also provide a plant that is safe for your pet to eat. These include Chlorophytum (Spider Plant), Dracena (Corn Plant), and Cyperus (Umbrella Palm).
Do not let your pet chew on its new plant for 5 to 6 weeks, in case it was treated with a systemic insecticide while in the greenhouse. After that length of time it will be safe.
Are you having a problem with your cat either eating your houseplants or using their soil for a litter-box? Here are a few suggestions:
Mays Greenhouse ©2010