6280 Old State Road 37 South
Several people have problems growing peppers. The main problem is usually the soil. Peppers like warm well-drained soils. If your soil is mostly clay, you may want to make some amendments. Use a soil conditioner and/or peat moss to help with drainage. Temperature is another factor to consider when growing peppers. The ideal temperature for peppers is 70 - 80 degrees during the day and 60 - 70 degrees at night. Temperatures above 90 or below 60 degrees can cause pepper blossoms to drop. Lack of water can also cause can cause this as well. The most common disease problem in peppers is bacterial spot. It symptoms include distorted leaves, necrotic spots on the leaves and fruit. The spots first appear on the underside of the leaves as small water-soaked blemishes. These turn brown and are slightly raised. On top of the leaves the spot is depressed with a tan center and a brown outline. The leaves will eventually yellow and drop from the plant.
Mays Greenhouse ©2010