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Fruit  Distance
Between Rows
Between Plants
Estimated Yield
Per Plant
Asparagus 3 ft. apart 1 ft. apart ¼ to ½ lb.
6-8 ft. apart 6-10 ft. apart 4-10 Quarts
Blackberry, Erect 6-8 ft. apart 3 ft. apart 1 Quart
Blueberries 8-10 ft. 6-8 ft. apart 3-4 Quarts
Currants 6-8 ft. apart 4 ft. apart 3-4 Quarts
Gooseberry 6-8 ft. apart 4 ft. apart 4-5 Quarts
Grapes 8-10 ft. 8-10 ft. ¼- ½ Bushel
8 ft. apart 3 ft. apart 1 Quart
Spring/ ½ Fall
Raspberry ,Red 6-8 ft. apart 1 ½-2 ft. apart 1 ½ Quarts
Raspberry, Black 6-8 ft. apart 2 ½ ft. apart 1 Quart
Rhubarb 5-6 ft. 2 ft. apart 10 lb.
Close Spaced
3 ft. apart 3 to 5 Inches ½ to 1 Quart
per ft. of row
Everbearing (Hills)
1-1 ½ ft. apart 1-1/2 ft. apart ½ Quart
 Matted Row
4 ft. apart 2 ft. ½ to 1 Quart
per ft. of row
Mays Greenhouse ©2010