6280 Old State Road 37 South
Planting in early spring or fall is recommended. If your plants develop seed stalks cut them out as soon as recognized. It is not known why some plants tend to seed stalk production. It is thought that poor growing conditions the previous year, severe winters or other stress may be the reason. The cause is not really understood. If a plant persists in this behavior after attempts to improve its growing conditions, discard it.
Do not harvest rhubarb during its first 2 growing seasons. Pull rather than cut the leaves. Harvest when stalks are 10-15” long by grasping the stalk at its base and pulling it slightly to one side. Leaves themselves are toxic. Keep from livestock. They can be composted.
Old plantings should be divided about every 8 years in very early spring.
Practice clean cultivation because grass and weeds may harbor pests. Remove any curly dock from the area as it harbors the rhubarb curculio. After early spring cultivation apply fresh organic mulch around the rhubarb. Do not smother crowns!
Mays Greenhouse ©2010