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They need acid soil (PH of 4.5 to 5.5) that is well–drained and rich in organic matter. Since it is acidic, sphagnum peat is a fine amendment for heavy soils. A light soil is best but blueberries can be grown in clay soils with enough organic matter added. When preparing soil, remember that these can grow into sizable shrubs. Prepare a planting area at least 2 ft. x 2 ft. for each shrub that is planned.

For a hedge-like effect or a landscape group, blueberries can be spaced 4 to 6 ft. apart. For full development use the wider spacing. Maintain an organic mulch under blueberries as they are shallow rooted and easily damaged by cultivation. The mulch also helps to cool the soil and conserve moisture.

Never use fertilizer in the planting hole. Each new plant can be top-dressed with 2 to 3 oz. of ammonium sulfate (well watered in) after planting. Thereafter fertilize with a complete acidic fertilizer (azalea food) about three times between May and August 1st.
Mays Greenhouse ©2010