6280 Old State Road 37 South
Peony Culture
TIME TO PLANT - The best time to plant peonies is between the first of September and middle
October. Dormant roots can
be purchased and planted in the early spring. Plants in active growth in pots may be planted at any time. If established plants
must be moved out of season, it can be done, but may result in a serious set-back or even death if the weather conditions are not
LOCATION - Peonies will grow in almost any soil but do best in deep rich soil. They require
a well-drained location
and freedom from the root competition of trees, shrubs and heavy sod. They prefer full sun, although they will grow in semi-shade.
TO PLANT PEONIES - Peonies should be planted 3 to 4 feet apart in full sun away from large trees or shrubs. They should
be planted so that the ‘eyes’ of the peonies are not deeper than 1 ˝ to 2 inches below the soil level. Soil should be humus rich and
well-drained. Be sure to pack the soil firmly under and between the roots to prevent them from settling too deep.
- Improve the soil to a depth of 18” by mixing peat moss, well-rotted manure or compost with the native soil. If the soil is
tight clay work 1 cup of gypsum into the bottom of the hole to improve drainage. The best type of fertilizer to use would be one low
in nitrogen but high in Phosphorus and potassium.
Mays Greenhouse ©2010