If receiving bare-root daylilies do not allow the roots to dry out. If they appear to have dried out during shipping soak them in water for several hours. Daylilies require at least 4 hours of sunlight per day and will do well in full sun. Well-drained soil is a “must” to prevent root-rot.
However, if the drainage is good they do well in moist soils. They are very tough and will do
well in any reasonably decent soil if it is not too dry.
Depending on variety (some are dwarf) space them 18 to 24 inches apart. This will give them room to increase for several years without need of division. Planting holes should be generous in size to allow unrestricted root growth. If the soil is poorly drained or very heavy, integrate gypsum and organic matter into the soil used around the roots. Crowns should be no more than 1 inch deep. If planting bare-root stock, be sure to spread the roots carefully and fill around them. If planting potted stock check to see if the plant is root-bound. If so, tease some of the roots loose before planting so that they will grow outward.
After planting, water well. Apply some sort of organic mulch to prevent
drying. If planted in late fall mulch the plants heavily to prevent heaving. Extra water during bud formation and through blooming
will increase the quality and number of blooms. Fertilize lightly in spring only. Do not use high nitrogen fertilizers
as too much nitrogen will produce foliage at the expense of flowering. Daylilies are relatively pest free. If Thrips become
a problem the following schedule of spraying should control them. When the new foliage first emerges, and again in six weeks, spray
the plants. A third spray in another six weeks should take care of the problem for the year. When spraying for Thrips, be sure to
apply enough solution to allow it to run down into the crevices at the bases of the leaves. If fungus attacks the foliage, causing
brown tips and yellow streaks spray with a good broad-spectrum fungicide. Follow package directions.