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Black Spot-  A rounded dark lesion on the foliage that defoliates the plant from the ground up. Leaves often turn yellow before falling. Appears in early summer. Spread by splashing water.

Powdery Mildew-  Irregular white lesions that deform the young soft foliage. Appears first in spring. An airborne fungus.

Downy Mildew-  Irregular purple-black lesions on canes and foliage. Defoliates quickly. Appears when nights are cool and days are warm.

Rust-  Rust-red spots appearing on the undersides of lower leaves. Appears in cool conditions. Spread by splashing water.

Aphids-  Soft green insects that suck plant juices from young growing tips and flower buds, producing sweet exudates that often attract ants.

Spider Mites- Very minute arachnids that give a salt and pepper appearance to the undersides of leaves. Can defoliate from the ground up and stop any new growth when severe.

Thrips-  Tiny sucking insects that enter the young flower buds and damage the petals,

producing brown edges and streaked and distorted petals.

Beetles-  Flying insects that eat large portions of the flowers, buds and often the foliage.

Midges-  Soil borne insects whose larvae distort and devour the young flower buds and tips of growing shoots.

Borers-  A larvae that enter fresh cuts and bores down the center of the cane.

Caterpillars-  Larvae of moths or butterflies that appear sporadically in summer.


Mays Greenhouse ©2010