For more than a century the pendant blooms of the Fuchsia have been delighting gardeners. The large-flowered modern hybrids ( both
and upright) are popular for display in pots and hanging baskets. In addition to their beauty they attract hummingbirds which
in itself makes
growing them worthwhile.
Fuchsias do best in areas that are sheltered from strong winds and where humidity is
high. They prefer moderate temperatures. High temperatures can present a challenge to fuchsia growing in Indiana. Strong light is
needed to keep them blooming heavily but avoid leaf-scorching mid-day sun in summer. Sunlight filtered through trees or overhead lath
is ideal.
Although good are circulation is beneficial, protect your plants from strong winds that may cause breakage and especially
from hot drying winds. Such winds remove moisture from the thin leaves faster than roots can replenish it and will cause wilting.
soil around fuchsia roots should be kept evenly moist but not water-logged. Use good potting mix with enough humus to retain
moisture but enough sand or perlite to allow rapid drainage of excess water.
On the hottest days, move hanging baskets and pots
of fuchsias to deeper shade. Mist the foliage with plain water and wet down the surrounding area if humidity is low.
Spent blossoms
and seed pods should be removed to encourage longer bloom. Feed regularly with a good fertilizer and be on guard against insect pests
and rust. Consult your local greenhouse grower or nurseryman to identify insects and to recommend control measures.
your fuchsias from frost and prune old plants heavily at the beginning of each growing season.